The Clinton Town Budget vote will take place on Wednesday, May 13 from 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM at the Town Hall on Route 1 in Clinton.
The Town and Board of Education budgets have included funding for PiC to be able to continue its prevention and youth leadership initiatives in Clinton next year. This is very exciting news, as PiC’s 10 year grant from the federal government will expire in September 2015. We are pleased that the Town views PiC’s contributions to the overall wellness of our young people and families as valuable!
If you are recently 18, or not so recently 18 but have not yet registered to vote, please stop down at the Town Clerk’s office on the first floor of the Town Hall to fill out your voter’s registration. Towns function best when all ages of voters come out and have their say on voting day. Participate in this year’s vote and have your voice heard by all!