From June 28 – July 1, 2015 four Clinton teens and three adults attended the national Students Against Destructive Decisions conference in Nashville, TN. The trip was funded by the Drug Free Communities grant that PiC received from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration of the U.S. government. Morgan students Maggie LaCross, Mike Baker, Alex Robison and Isabella Pitarra, and PiC adult members Andrea Kaye, Robyn Sneider and Liz Robison attended a variety of workshops seeking new ideas to bring back to Morgan’s REACT club. Their interactions with like-minded students and advisors from across the United States fueled their energy to implement new initiatives in youth leadership and healthy decisions through REACT.
The most popular concepts that will be brought back to Clinton are prevention of suicide or self-harm, prevention of tobacco use and safe teen driving. The teens and adults felt strongly that each of these topics were relevant in town and are planning some creative projects and initiatives for the upcoming school year. With Suicide Prevention month in September, look for these ideas to be started right at the beginning of the school year!
During a break from workshops at the conference, the seven Clintonites also enjoyed a night of line dancing and music at the famous Wildhorse Saloon.