What does the survey information mean? What can we do?

In October of 2021, Eliot 7 & 8th graders and all Morgan students took a survey created by PIC that looked at attitudes and behaviors around substance use and mental health. PIC has been administering this type of survey of students in collaboration with Clinton Schools since 2005, tracking the various trends around alcohol, marijuana,

Parent Shelby Auletta is Recognized for Prevention Efforts by CAPP

At the 2021 Annual Meeting of the CT Association of Prevention Professionals, Shelby Auletta was recognized for her many years of service to Partners in Community.  Shelby has been involved with PiC's efforts for more than 6 years, alongside her offspring who are REACT leaders!  (Sarah was REACT president and a Peer Assistant in 2020

By |2021-12-07T13:47:15-05:00December 7, 2021|Data, Important Messages, Partner snapshot, PiC|0 Comments

Signs of Teenage Depression

Is your teen unmotivated and disinterested in school and extracurriculars? Are you a teen who would rather be sleeping than “doing things” in your community? Has this been described as the typical teenager who just doesn’t care? There could be a lot more going on in this scenario than just a teen who seems

By |2021-03-10T14:39:07-05:00November 25, 2020|Adult Resources, Data, Mental Health|0 Comments
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