Eliot REACT explores “Comfort Zones”

This week during the regular meeting, Eliot REACT members played a game to learn about comfort zones.  The discussion focused on how something might be very uncomfortable for one person, but very easy for another.  Students were asked to respond by moving to places within the roped areas to indicate how comfortable (or not) they

Parent Shelby Auletta is Recognized for Prevention Efforts by CAPP

At the 2021 Annual Meeting of the CT Association of Prevention Professionals, Shelby Auletta was recognized for her many years of service to Partners in Community.  Shelby has been involved with PiC's efforts for more than 6 years, alongside her offspring who are REACT leaders!  (Sarah was REACT president and a Peer Assistant in 2020

By |2021-12-07T13:47:15-05:00December 7, 2021|Data, Important Messages, Partner snapshot, PiC|0 Comments

PiC Recognizes Community Champions and Awards the Michael BonTempo Jr Prevention Award

PiC recognized three Clinton residents for their tireless commitment to prevention!  Volunteer Erin Gaudet has donated a multitude of hours to prevention, working with REACT and PIC in addition to serving as the Chairperson of the Human Services Advisory Board!  Erin is passionate about prevention, mental health, and supporting our youth.  PIC also recognized the

By |2021-12-07T13:28:47-05:00November 23, 2021|Morgan REACT, Programs, REACT, Uncategorized|0 Comments
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